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What are some country girl quotes?

What are some country girl quotes?

19 Country Girl Quotes

  • “What lies behind us and what lies before us is are small matters compared to what lies within us.”
  • “Always saddle your own horse.”
  • “She who is brave is free.”
  • “Speak your mind and ride a fast horse.”
  • “Comparison is the thief of joy.”
  • “Do you suppose she’s a Wildflower?”

How do you compliment a country girl?

These compliments and lighthearted digs have Southern flair aplenty.

  1. She’s as pretty as a peach.
  2. They’re as pretty as a pitcher. (
  3. He’s a tall drink of iced tea.
  4. They’re as happy as clams at high tide.
  5. She’s as smart as all get out.
  6. They’re finer than frogs’ hair split four ways.
  7. She’s got gumption.

What are some country sayings?

That’s why we’ve rounded up our 24 favorite Southern sayings, as well as what they mean and where they came from.

  • Bless your heart.
  • If I had my druthers.
  • He’s having a dying duck fit.
  • Hold your horses.
  • What in the Sam Hill?
  • She’s stuck up higher than a light pole.
  • As all get-out.
  • Finer than a frog’s hair.

“The country girl is an important figure in the broad field of Australian popular drama.” Catherine Driscoll “Better to be strong than pretty and useless.” Lilith Saintcrow “A country girl can talk her way out of a ticket.” Kellie Pickler “Keep calm and stay country.” “Country is the way you live.

What are the best country music quotes?

“Keep calm and stay country.” “Country is the way you live. Not the way you look.” “Country music is good for the soul.” “You can’t handle my level of country music addiction.” “Country is in your blood not in your closet.”

Are there country Instagram captions for tough girls?

There are country Instagram captions for tough girls for bold and strong selfies. Take a look and pick suitable strong girl country captions for Instagram and inspire your followers and friends. “I grew up like a lot of country boys and girls do – amongst the pine trees, dirt roads, farms, mules, and people who were real.”

What is the best advice for a country girl?

“Extra tough and super sassy, but as a country girl always keep it classy. “ Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are. Don’t forget that you’re human.

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