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What is Klovinal used for?

What is Klovinal used for?

It is indicated for the treatment of vaginal infections- both fungal and bacterial infections such as Vulvovaginal Candidiasis( Toilet Infection), Bacterial Vaginosis and Trichomonas Vaginalis as well as restores a healthy vaginal floral.

What infection does Klovinal treat?

Recommending Klovinal for the treatment of vaginal infections, Odeigha said this is because the pessary contains clotrimazole, metronidazole and lactobacillus spores, which are indicated for the treatment of vaginal infections – both fungal and bacterial, such as vulvovaginal candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, and …

Can a virgin use pessary?

Can a virgin use klovinal pessary? Of course yes. Not all vaginal infections are sexually transmitted and virgins are not exempted from having vaginal yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.

Which medicine is best for white discharge?

Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by a musty or fishy vaginal odor and a thin, white vaginal discharge. It is treated with oral or topical metronidazole or clindamycin.

Can you urinate after using a pessary?

The pessary should not only be comfortable but should not interfere with your ability to urinate.

What pills are good for smelly discharge?

To treat bacterial vaginosis, your doctor may prescribe one of the following medications:

  • Metronidazole (Flagyl, Metrogel-Vaginal, others). This medicine may be taken as a pill by mouth (orally).
  • Clindamycin (Cleocin, Clindesse, others).
  • Tinidazole (Tindamax).
  • Secnidazole (Solosec).

How do you insert a pessary?

The curved part should be facing the ceiling, like a taco. Put a small amount of water-soluble lubricant, such as KY Jelly, on the insertion edge. Hold the folded pessary in one hand and spread the lips of your vagina with the other hand. Gently push the pessary as far back into the vagina as it will go.

What causes yeast infection in Virgina?

The fungus candida albicans is responsible for most vaginal yeast infections. Your vagina naturally contains a balanced mix of yeast, including candida, and bacteria. Certain bacteria (lactobacillus) act to prevent an overgrowth of yeast.

How do I know if a yeast infection is getting better?

First, you will notice that vaginal discharge has returned to a normal consistency and smell. Second, you will notice that itching has gone away, alleviating much of the discomfort associated with the infection. Third, you will notice that any rash, swelling, or redness has subsided.

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