
What is padding in android layout?

What is padding in android layout?

Padding in Android is used to add a blank space between a view and its contents. Margins, on the other hand, are used to add a space between two different views.

What does Wrap_content mean in android?

WRAP_CONTENT means that the view wants to be just large enough to fit its own internal content, taking its own padding into account.

Why margin and padding are used in android programming explain how both are different?

They are used to provide extra space or a gap. Both margin and padding targets the four sides of an element and can also work without the border property, but they differ in many ways. The main difference between the padding and margin is: Padding provides the space between the border and the content of an element.

What does padding mean in a widget?

Padding widget in flutter does exactly what its name says, it adds padding or empty space around a widget or a bunch of widgets. We can apply padding around any widget by placing it as the child of the Padding widget.

What is padding in UI?

Padding refers to the space between UI elements. Padding is an alternative spacing method to keylines and is measured in increments of 8dp or 4dp. Padding can be measured both vertically and horizontally and does not need to span the whole height of a layout.

What is Wrap_content and Match_parent?

fill_parent and match_parent are the same, used when we want the height or width of a view to be as big as its parent view, fill_parent being deprecated. wrap_content is used when we want the view to occupy only as much space as required by it. You may also read : Android UI Layouts.

Which is better padding or margin?

The margin clears an area around an element (outside the border), but the padding clears an area around the content (inside the border) of an element. it means that your element does not know about its outside margins, so if you are developing dynamic web controls, I recommend that to use padding vs margin if you can.

What is difference between margin and padding in Android layout?

Note that padding goes completely around the content: there is padding on the top, bottom, right and left sides (which can be independent). Margins are the spaces outside the border, between the border and the other elements next to this view. In the image, the margin is the grey area outside the entire object.

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