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How do you use the Lightpulsar dragon?

How do you use the Lightpulsar dragon?

Lightpulsar Dragon has 2500 ATK and can be Summoned from your hand by banishing a LIGHT and a DARK monster from your Graveyard, or from your Graveyard by sending a LIGHT and a DARK monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Or you can just Tribute Summon it, since its Level 6!

Can Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon?

You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by banishing 1 face-up Dragon monster you control. You can only Special Summon “Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon” once per turn this way.

Is Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon hard once per turn?

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon goes all over the ban list because it is awesome. Easy alternate Special Summoning condition and an effect that is not a hard once per turn. Instant advantage, good Atk and will probably be banned because of its abuse in Guardragon decks. Use it while you can.

Who uses Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon?

GX. In episode 159, Atticus Rhodes uses this card during his Duel against Jaden Yuki. He Special Summons this card by Tributing “Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon” while the latter was equipped with “Metal Plus”. Since there are three Dragons in Atticus’s Graveyard, this card gains 1200 ATK.

Is there a red eyes ultimate Dragon?

A three headed “Red-Eyes Black Dragon”. Jet-black, and eyes are bloody red. At 50 feet tall, this dragon is taller than the ultimate of all dragons!

Can eye of Timaeus summon Dragun of red eyes?

A: You can Special Summon a Dragun of Red-Eyes with the effect of The Eye of Timaeus. However, since the materials for Dragun of Red-Eyes are Dark Magician + Red-Eyes B. Dragon or 1 Dragon Effect Monster, you will need to target Dark Magician with the effect of The Eye of Timaeus.

How does Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon work?

Description:You can Special Summon this card by removing from play 1 Dragon-type monster you control. Once per turn,you can Special Summon 1 Dragon-type monster from your hand or graveyard,except ‘Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon’.

Can Ash blossom negate Red-Eyes Fusion?

They can still activate ash and ash will negate red eyes fusion.

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