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What is considered a misdemeanor in California?

What is considered a misdemeanor in California?

In simple terms, a misdemeanor crime is less serious than a felony crime and doesn’t carry any potential to be sentenced to a California state prison. A misdemeanor is described as a crime where the maximum sentence is no longer than one year in a county jail and a fine up to $1,000.

Is misdemeanor a felony in California?

In contrast, a California misdemeanor is a crime that is less severe than a felony. The maximum sentence for these offenses is no more than one year in county jail. Offenders can also face a fine, but it is not more than $1,000.

Do misdemeanors go away in CA?

Contrary to popular belief, misdemeanors in California are not automatically expunged with the passage of time, but require the filing and granting of an Expungement Petition by the Court.

How do I clear a misdemeanor in California?

To expunge a misdemeanor in California, the defendant has to (1) determine that he or she is eligible for expungement, (2) timely file the appropriate paperwork, and (3) attend the expungement hearing personally, or through a lawyer.

Can a misdemeanor affect your job?

These records can be damaging to their employment prospects, but they don’t have to be. Though misdemeanor convictions aren’t as serious as felony convictions, and some employers only ask about felonies, a misdemeanor on your record can hinder your job search.

How much does it cost to get a misdemeanor expunged in California?

Misdemeanor Expungements $695* Misdemeanor DUI Expungement $820. Felony Expungement $915* (includes a reduction to a misdemeanor when eligible) Sealing of Juvenile or Diversion Records: $2,250.

How long do misdemeanors stay on your record California?

for life
A misdemeanor stays on your record for life unless you successfully petition for expungement. There is no preset “expiration date” for misdemeanor crimes. Even though misdemeanor offenses are less serious than felonies, they are still serious breaches in the eyes of the law.

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