
Which theorist was the first psychologist to suggest that to improve mood we should act cheerful?

Which theorist was the first psychologist to suggest that to improve mood we should act cheerful?

Which theorist was the first psychologist to suggest that to improve mood we should act cheerful? Carroll Izard isolated ten basic emotions.

Which of the following terms best describes feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions?

Which of the following terms best describes feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions? Moods are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that lack a contextual stimulus.

What rate is the body’s resting rate of energy output?

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy that is expended at rest in a neutral environment after the digestive system has been inactive for about 12 hours. It is the rate of one’s metabolism when waking in the morning after “fasting” during sleep.

What is James-Lange theory in psychology?

The James-Lange theory of emotion postulates that emotions occur as a result of physical responses to events (physiological responses to stimuli directly cause subjective feelings).

What is the arousal theory in psychology?

What Is Arousal Theory? According to the arousal theory of motivation, each person has a unique arousal level that is right for them. When our arousal levels fall outside of these personalized optimal levels, we seek some sort of activity to get them back within our desired ranges.

What is arousal theory quizlet?

Arousal theory. suggests that humans are motivated to maintain a comfortable level of arousal. Optimal arousal theory helps explain the Yerkes-Dodson law, which states that performance is best when arousal or stimulation is not too high, and not too low.

What term is used for intense feelings that are directed at someone or something?

In some uses of the word, emotions are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.

Which of the following is a basic emotion in humans?

(2014) proposed that we humans have four basic emotions: fear, anger, joy, and sad.

What decreases basal metabolism?

Crash dieting, starving or fasting – eating too few kilojoules encourages the body to slow the metabolism to conserve energy. BMR can drop by up to 15 per cent and if lean muscle tissue is also lost, this further reduces BMR.

Is a basic bodily need?

A basic bodily requirement. Maslow’s pyramid of human needs; at the base our physiological needs. These basic needs must be satisfied before higher-level safety needs, and then psychological needs, become active. The form of sugar that circulates in the blood and provides the major source of energy for body tissues.

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