
What does mercury and chlorine make?

What does mercury and chlorine make?

Mercuric chloride is obtained by the action of chlorine on mercury or on mercury(I) chloride.

Is mercury I chloride solid?

Also known as the mineral calomel (a rare mineral) or mercurous chloride, this dense white or yellowish-white, odorless solid is the principal example of a mercury(I) compound. It is a component of reference electrodes in electrochemistry.

What is the molecule of chlorine gas?

Cl2 molecule
Chlorine gas exists as Cl2 molecule containing two atoms of Cl.

What type of molecule is chlorine?

Chlorine is the second halogen, being a nonmetal in group 17 of the periodic table. Its properties are thus similar to fluorine, bromine, and iodine, and are largely intermediate between those of the first two.

Does mercury react with chlorine?

Sensitivity analysis revealed the dominant reaction path of the mercury oxidation by chlorine. First, elemental mercury reacts with Cl radicals to form HgCl. Then, the HgCl reacts with Cl2 to produce HgCl2.

Is mercury chloride a precipitate?

It is extremely poisonous. Raw egg white may be given as an antidote, since mercuric chloride reacts with egg albumin to form a nearly insoluble precipitate; medical treatment should be sought immediately. Mercuric chloride is sometimes used in dilute solution as an antiseptic for inanimate objects and as a fungicide.

Is mercury 1 chloride aqueous?

Mercury(I) chloride is the chemical compound with the formula Hg2Cl2. Also known as calomel or mercurous chloride, this dense white or yellowish-white, odorless solid is the principal example of a mercury(I) compound….

Mercury(I) chloride
CAS number 10112-91-1
RTECS number OV8750000
Molecular formula Hg2Cl2

How big is a chlorine molecule?

The Relative Size of Atoms and Their Ions

Element Covalent Radii (nm) Ionic Radii (nm)
F 0.064 0.136
Cl 0.099 0.181
Br 0.1142 0.196
I 0.1333 0.216

Is chlorine a molecule?

Chlorine molecules are composed of two atoms (Cl2). Chlorine combines with almost all the elements, except for the lighter noble gases, to give chlorides; those of most metals are ionic crystals, whereas those of the semimetals and nonmetals are predominantly molecular.

What is the structure of chlorine?

Chlorine Atomic and Orbital Properties

Atomic Number 17
Shell structure (Electrons per energy level) [2, 8, 7]
Electron Configuration [Ne] 3s2 3p5
Valence Electrons 3s2 3p5
Oxidation State -1 1;2;3;4;5;6;7

Can you touch mercury?

If you touch it, a small amount may pass through your skin, but not usually enough to harm you. Mercury is most harmful when you breathe in the vapors that are released when a container is open or a spill occurs. Pregnant women, infants and young children are particularly sensitive to the harmful effects of mercury.

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