
What is unresolved tension?

What is unresolved tension?

Two people are obviously attracted to each other, but some element of the story is keeping them apart. This tension is frequently referred to as UST in fandom, where it is pronounced “oost” or Yu-Ess-Tee. Also known as “Long Unresolved Sexual Tension”.

What is a tension with audience?

In storytelling, tension is an unresolved balance, a state of uncertainty, or threat of conflict that is maintained between opposing artistic elements to keep an audience’s attention. As a storyteller it’s up to you to create tension and resolve the tension gap, the space between what is and what could be.

What creates Secual tension?

Sexual tension occurs when individuals are drawn to one another in a sexual way before (if ever) having sex together. Sexual tension occurs because of a mutual attraction that overcomes the individuals and draws them to one another. Sexual tension can happen with a perfect stranger, or with someone in a friend group.

What is unresolved romantic tension?

Unresolved sexual tension means the chemistry between two characters that shows they are attracted to one another, but they don’t act on. They might choose not to act on it because of a friendship, loyalties to others, or because they work together.

How would you describe tension in theatre?

Tension is a growing sense of expectation within the drama, a feeling that the story is building up towards something exciting happening. Without tension in a scene it is hard to keep the audience engaged with what is happening so the work may be flat and dull.

How do you know if a girl likes you physically?

Knowing the physical signs a woman is interested in you will help you make the right move at the right time.

  • She makes eye contact.
  • Her face lights up when she sees you.
  • She plays with her hair.
  • Lip biting.
  • She nods.
  • She tilts her head.
  • She touches you.
  • She leans toward you.

What does UST stand for in fanfic?

UST/URST. Stands for “unresolved sexual tension” and refers to the lack of full or sometimes even partial resolution of sexual tension elements within a story.

How do you describe tension in creative writing?

Tension in a literary context is the sense that something ominous is right around the corner. Building a large amount of tension as a writer keeps your readers engaged up until the end of the story. Mystery novels are full of tension and foreboding, and they generally feature tense scenes from beginning to end.

How do you describe tension?

1 : the act of straining or stretching : the condition of being strained or stretched I adjusted the strap’s tension. 3 : a state of unfriendliness There was tension between the two groups.

What is the tension within a plot?

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