
Can Gedarel make you depressed?

Can Gedarel make you depressed?

Some women using hormonal contraceptives including Gedarel have reported depression or depressed mood. Depression can be serious and may sometimes lead to suicidal thoughts. If you experience mood changes and depressive symptoms contact your doctor for further medical advice as soon as possible.

Which birth control pill helps with depression?

Most effective at boosting mood stability Yaz, a combination birth control pill, is currently the only birth control pill approved to treat premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). It contains drospirenone, a fourth generation progestin with low androgenic activity.

Can I take birth control with antidepressants?

No. Prozac and other antidepressants won’t mess with your birth control pills, or any other birth control method. But it’s always a good idea to talk with your doctor or nurse about any medicines you’re taking to avoid having a bad reaction.

Can Gedarel cause mood swings?

Yes, mood swings are listed as a common side effect of taking Gedarel, affecting up to 1 in 10 people.

Is the pill affecting my mental health?

But countless studies have identified strong links between taking the pill and poor mental health, and a new BBC Two documentary sheds light on the severity of the problem, revealing how it’s left some women suffering from depression and experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Can the pill cause depression NHS?

The pill and depression Depression is listed as a known but rare side effect of the hormonal contraceptive pill, it’s there in the small but hefty leaflet you get in the packet. The NHS website lists “mood swings” and “mood changes” but not explicitly depression, anxiety or panic attacks.

Can I take birth control and antidepressant at the same time of day?

In most cases, it’s okay to take birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy (also called HRT) at the same time as depression medicines. Taking hormones may even help some depressed women feel better. However, if your birth control pills seem to be causing symptoms of depression, discuss it with your doctor.

Does Gedarel make you fat?

The combined pill has not been proven to affect weight. With that said, there are a few related areas that could impact weight gain or loss including appetite, water retention and how the body stores fat.

Is it normal for the pill to make you depressed?

Some women who are on hormonal birth control get mood swings and other emotional side effects. Sometimes the changes may help, such as easing your crankiness or anxiety. But other women report feeling depressed or going through such a severe emotional roller coaster that they quit their hormonal contraceptives.

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