
Can catfish live with Oscars?

Can catfish live with Oscars?

Large Catfish can make great Oscar tank mates, but small species can pose a huge threat. Delicate species: Oscars are large, tough fish that tend to pick on tank mates. Avoid any delicate species such as Discus that require a peaceful environment to thrive.

Can Raphael catfish live with cichlids?

Their tough skin lets the Striped Raphael Catfish tolerate a variety of peaceful, and agressive fish, including some cichlids. Be careful whenever handling them.

What catfish go good with Oscars?

15 Best Oscar Fish Tank Mates – Full List of Compatible Fish

  1. Convict Cichlid. Convict Cichlid.
  2. Jewel Cichlid. Jewel Cichlid.
  3. Jack Dempsey. Jack Dempsey.
  4. Green Terror Cichlid. Green Terror Cichlid.
  5. Firemouth Cichlid. Firemouth Cichlid.
  6. Jaguar Cichlid. Jaguar Cichlid.
  7. Cichlasoma. Cichlasoma.
  8. Blood Parrot Fish. Blood Parrot Fish.

What fish can live with a Raphael catfish?

Here are some good tank mates you can keep with a Striped Raphael Catfish:

  • Black Skirt Tetra.
  • Bristlenose Pleco.
  • Jaguar Cichlid (you need some room for this pairing)
  • Pictus Catfish.
  • African Butterfly Fish.
  • Oscar Fish (if there’s enough tank space)
  • Bichir (best with large tanks)
  • Congo Tetra.

What cleaner fish can live with Oscars?

Given the requirements listed above, some of the best species for Oscar tank mates include catfish, Silver Dollar fish, Firemouth cichlids, Convict cichlids and blue acara. Avoid larger cichlids like Texas cichlid and terrors because these fish are likely to cause aggression problems in the tank.

What bottom feeders can live with Oscars?

Per WorldCichlids.com, bottom feeders like pictus catfish and clown loache are compatible with oscars because they stay on the bottom of a tank whereas oscars stay in the middle and top of the tank due to their larger size.

What fish can live with Oscars?

Can I put catfish with cichlids?

Catfish can be an excellent addition to an African Cichlid aquarium. As the house cleaners of the freshwater aquatic world, they reduce algae build-up and consume extra food that falls to the bottom of the tank.

Are Spotted Raphael Catfish Aggressive?

This fish is not particularly territorial or aggressive, but like most catfish, it will prey on anything small enough to fit in its mouth, such as tiny fish, dwarf shrimp, and fry. It will not bother plants. It is not particularly sensitive, but it prefers fairly calm to moderate water flow.

Do Spotted Raphael catfish eat other fish?

Unlike aggressive species of catfish, the spotted Raphael won’t actively hunt the other members of the community, but they will opportunistically snack on smaller fish. You can keep a single catfish in your tank, but they prefer to be kept in groups of 3 to 5 and can be quite gregarious with each other at night.

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