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Can homeopathy cure skin diseases?

Can homeopathy cure skin diseases?

The treatment of chronic skin diseases with homeopathic remedies appears to be more safe and satisfactory to the patient when compared with conventional medication, with improvement in quality of life and general health up to 2 years after start of the treatment.

Which Homeopathic medicine is good for skin?

Thuja Occidentalis: This homoeopathic medicine is used for the treatment of warts, acne, age spots, freckles and dry skin. It helps the body get rid of scaly patches and itchy skin. 4. Cantharis: Cantharis is used to treat burns or skin conditions that resemble burns.

Can homeopathy cure skin allergy permanently?

Homeopathy is by far the safest and more or less a permanent solution for skin allergies like eczema. It helps in relieving you of the irritation and swelling by aiming to treat the excess histamine release, which is the root cause of the disease.

Can homeopathy cure allergic reactions?

According to the National Center for Homeopathy, the treatment of allergies with homeopathic medications has been researched extensively, and studies have proved them to be very effective.

Which homeopathic medicine is best for skin itching?

Remedy Options

  • Apis mellifica. This remedy relieves swollen, itching, burning skin or lips, relieved by cold applications.
  • Urtica urens. This relieves itching aggravated by cold and water. Other Remedies.
  • Histaminum. This remedy relieves symptoms of allergies, such as hay fever, hives or urticaria.

Which homeopathic medicine is best for fungal infection?

Dr. Reckeweg R82 Anti Fungal Drop.

  • Bestseller. SBL Sulphur Dilution 200 CH.
  • Dr Willmar Schwabe India Graphites Pentarkan Ptk 50 Tablet. bottle of 20 gm tablet.
  • SBL Sulphur Ointment. tube of 25 gm ointment.
  • Bakson’s Sulphur Ointment. tube of 25 gm ointment.
  • SBL Sulphur Dilution 30 CH.
  • Wheezal Petrolatum-W Pure Petroleum Jelly.
  • Which homeopathic medicine is best for skin allergy?

    The best natural Homeopathic medicines for allergic skin rashes are Sulphur, Apis Mellifica and Urtica Urens. Sulphur is a very beneficial Homeopathic medicine for skin complaints. Sulphur is a remedy of great help for all the allergic skin rashes with dryness, itching and burning sensations.

    Which Homeopathic medicine is best for fungal infection?

    Can homeopathy cure skin fungal infection?

    Homeopathy offers a very beneficial and effective mode of treatment that boosts the body’s healing processes to fight and eradicate fungal infection. Unlike conventional treatment, the natural Homeopathic remedies do not suppress fungal infection; these rather work to root out the underlying cause of fungal infections.

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