
Can Mon Calamari be Jedi?

Can Mon Calamari be Jedi?

Eekar Oki, a male Mon Calamari, served as a Jedi during the waning years of the Galactic Republic.

Are Mon Calamari amphibious?

The Mon Calamari were a bipedal, amphibious species with high-domed heads, webbed hands and large, goggle-like eyes.

Were there any Quarren Jedi?

Biography. A Force-sensitive Quarren male was trained in the Force by the Jedi Order and achieved the rank of Jedi Knight sometime before 33 BBY. In that year, a serious of uprisings were springing up throughout the Yinchorri system, a conflict which drew most of the Jedi High Council away from Coruscant.

How good were Mon Calamari ships?

These cruisers were powerful enough to rival the Empire’s Star Destroyer. In addition to these original retrofitted civilian ships, the Mon Calamari also designed military variants of the cruisers. The plans for these models, however, were confiscated by the Galactic Empire sometime before the Battle of Yavin.

Who was Plo Koon’s Padawan?

Lissarkh. According to Legends, Lissarkh was a Force-sensitive female of the Trandoshan species. As a youngling, she was brought from her home planet Trandosha to the Jedi Temple to receive training. Plo Koon claimed her as his Padawan, and he taught her the ways of the Light Side of the Force for many years.

What is the biggest Mon Calamari ship?

the Viscount
Being the largest and most powerful of all Mon Calamari-designed warships, the Viscount and her sister ships were later put to good use during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.

Who was Ahsoka’s master before Anakin?

FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. Ahsoka Tano was discovered by Plo Koon at the age of three and accepted into the Jedi Order. When she was 14, Jedi Master Yoda granted Ahsoka the rank of Padawan and apprenticed her to Anakin Skywalker, a powerful if reckless Jedi Knight.

Did any Jedi join the separatists?

In Canon, the Confederacy of Independent Systems had several former Jedi serving it in one capacity or another, the most prominent of whom was Count Dooku who formally left the Jedi Order then later publicly joined and ran the CIS.

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