Can Tho to Ho Chi Minh by bus?
Is there a direct bus between Can Tho and Ho Chi Minh City? Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Can Tho Bus Station station and arriving at Ho Chi Minh ThanhBuoi. Services depart hourly, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 4h.
How much does it cost from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh?
The price for Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city tickets ranges from 26 USD to 150 USD. If you are looking for a business flight, Vietnam Airlines or Bamboo Airlines are the best option, and the price can be up to 260 USD.
Is there a train from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi?
The railway from Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) station to Hanoi station is about 1,726 Kilometers. There are 4 trains including SE2, SE4, SE6 and SE8 (which belong to Reunification Express train) on this route. They daily depart and take about 33 to 36 hours (From Saigon to Hanoi).
How long does it take from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh by train?
32 to 37 hours
1a Travelling from Hanoi (Vietnam) to Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) Travel from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City by overnight train. The journey time is 32 to 37 hours.
Can Tho HCMC?
How to Get from Ho Chi Minh City to Can Tho. There are 104 miles (168 km) separating Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho, famous for its canals and floating markets. To travel between them, the most popular option is a two-hour plane ride—though traveling by shuttle or private transfer.
Which is better Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi?
Hanoi tends to favour more conventional dishes, so if you’re looking for authentic Vietnamese food, this city is the place to go. However, if you’re after a mix of both traditional dishes and intriguing fusion cuisine, Ho Chi Minh City offers a greater variety of both.
How long is the bus from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh?
The average travel time between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City is around 1d 12h, although the fastest bus will take about 1d 12h.
How do you travel around Vietnam?
Bus travel is cheap and convenient Buses offer one of the cheapest ways to get around Vietnam, making them a big hit with budget travelers. They are also highly convenient, with the extensive bus network spanning to the far-flung corners of the country. You’ll find at least one bus station in every town.
Is it better to fly into Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh?
Summing It Up To sum it up, Hanoi provides a more historical and cultural Vietnamese experience. It’s also much less glitzy than Ho Chi Minh City. It’s a better place to absorb traditional Vietnamese culture and see the more artistic and creative side of the country.