Useful tips

Can you plant turnips to early for deer?

Can you plant turnips to early for deer?

Generally, the best time to plant turnips when you’re using them to attract deer will be the fall. You want to plant the turnips for the deer before you experience your first hard freeze, and this means that fall is the best time.

When should you start turnips?

When to Plant Turnips

  1. For a late spring harvest, sow turnip seeds about 2 to 3 weeks before the average last spring frost date.
  2. For an autumn harvest, sow turnips in late summer after summer crops of onions, squash, beans, or sweet corn.
  3. For a later autumn harvest, sow seeds in early autumn.

Can you plant turnips in the spring for deer?

Both turnips and radishes tend to mature much quicker when planted during the spring. This results in these crops becoming non palatable to deer rapidly. You might try buckwheat as the seed is relatively small and often grows well when broadcast into a good seedbed.

When should you plant turnips for deer?

Turnips grow fairly quickly and reach maturity in 75 to 90 days. They grow well in both southern and northern climates. Turnips can be planted in late summer in northern climates or early fall in the southern states.

Do deer prefer turnips or radishes?

The deer will eventually eat the turnip greens but the radishes are preferred. This has been my observation from the years we’ve been doing this. If I had only one to choose, it would be radish.

Can you broadcast turnip seed?

Plant only 2 to 3 pounds of turnip seed per acre. The seed is very small, so barely cover it. Simply broadcasting seed onto tilled soils works well for many growers, especially on rough seedbeds where rainfall or irrigation washes soil onto the seeds for soil coverage.

Do deer like turnips or radishes?

How do you plant turnip food plots?

Turnip seed is very small and should not be buried more than about 1/8 to 1/4 inch. I usually run my cultipacker over the food plot after dragging in the seed to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. Fertilize at planting with about 300 pounds of 19-19-19 per acre to get the plants up and running.

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