
How do I access my Buffalo NAS remotely?

How do I access my Buffalo NAS remotely?

6Configure each setting as below.

  1. Select. Enable. for. Web Access Service. .
  2. Select. Enable. for. Use BuffaloNAS.com. .
  3. Enter a desired name into. BuffaloNAS.com Name. . Take note of this BuffaloNAS.com name. This will be used to open a shared folder from a remote location.
  4. Select. Enable. for. Auto-Configure Firewall (UPnP) .
  5. Click.

How do I access LinkStation?

Connect the LinkStation to your network with an Ethernet cable and power it on. Launch a web browser and enter the LinkStation’s IP address into the address bar to access Settings. If you do not know the LinkStation’s IP address, you can use NAS Navigator to access Settings instead.

What does a buffalo LinkStation do?

Product Description. Buffalo’s LinkStation 220 provides easy to use shared storage and backup for all PC and Mac computers, tablets and smartphones on your home network with the security of RAID data protection. Simply connect it to your wireless router for access anywhere in your home.

How do I get Buffalo NAS on Windows 10?

Mapping a Drive to a Buffalo NAS in Windows

  1. Open NAS Navigator.
  2. Right-click on the NAS.
  3. Select “Browse Shares” from the pop-up menu.
  4. Right-click on the shared folder you want to map to a drive letter.
  5. Select “Map network drive…” from the pop-up menu.
  6. Click on the drop-down menu to change the drive letter if desired.

How do I log into Buffalo LinkStation?

Type 192.168. 11.150 (the default IP to access the admin interface) in the address bar of your internet browser to access the router’s web-based user interface. You should see 2 text fields where you can enter a username and a password. The default username for your Buffalo LinkStation is root.

How do I access Buffalo NAS files?

Double-click on the NAS directory to view all the shared folders and files. Navigate through the shared folders and files. Once you’ve accessed the shared folders and files, normal file operations (from Windows) can be done directly on this folder. You can move, copy, rename, and delete folders and files, as needed.

What does NAS Navigator do?

This software is a client utility for Buffalo NAS devices. It can change a Buffalo NAS device’s IP address, view a Buffalo NAS device’s available drive space, or allow access to the Settings interface for a Buffalo NAS device to change its settings.

How do I install a Buffalo NAS Navigator?

More videos on YouTube

  1. Download the latest version of NAS Navigator from the Buffalo downloads page.
  2. From the Dock, select the Downloads icon and open the nasnavi installation file.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Check the warning and click Open.
  5. Click Install NAS Navigator.
  6. Once the installation finishes, click OK.

Can’t connect to NAS drive Windows 10?

Follow the steps below:

  1. Open File Explorer, then select This PC.
  2. Click the Computer tab on the upper part of the windows.
  3. Click Map network drive.
  4. Select a drive letter you want, then click Browse.
  5. Navigate to your NAS drive, then click OK.
  6. Confirm your selection, click Finish.

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