
How do I activate RobCo production mainframe?

How do I activate RobCo production mainframe?

The RobCo Production Mainframe is part of the Wasteland Survival Guide quest, where Moira asks the Lone Wanderer to install a processor widget in the mainframe, and optionally also hacking it. Once the widget is installed in the mainframe, every robot in the facility will activate and become hostile.

Where is the RobCo mainframe in Fallout 3?

The RobCo facility is southwest of Megaton, and it’s a bit of a walk getting there. Unless you’ve been there before, you’re going to have to manually walk from Megaton (or a spot closer, if applicable).

Where is the RobCo factory?

the Capital Wasteland
The RobCo facility is a factory in the Capital Wasteland in 2277. It is located slightly northeast of Tenpenny Tower and southwest of Fort Independence.

How do you get Sergeant RL 3 as a companion?

It is possible to recruit Sergeant RL-3 at the same time as another companion by dismissing your current companion, then speaking to Tinker Joe and purchasing RL-3, followed by quickly re-hiring your old companion before RL-3 speaks to you.

Where is Tinker Joe Fallout 3?

Tinker Joe is a merchant patrolling near the RobCo facility in 2277.

What do I do with the Wasteland Survival Guide?

The Wasteland Survival Guide is a guidebook which contains invaluable information for wastelanders, ranging from locations where food and medicine may be found to details on the behavior of mirelurks, and much more.

When was RobCo founded?


Founded June 25th, 2042
Industry Robotics, particularly military/service bots
Known Locations RobCo facility, Washington D.C, RobCo Sales And Service Center, Boston

What is an RL-3 slip?

The information on the RL-3 slip is used by recipients to complete the personal income tax return (TP-1-V), the Déclaration de revenus des sociétés (CO-17), the Partnership Information Return (TP-600-V) or the Trust Income Tax Return (TP-646-V), as applicable.

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