
How do I select the last 1000 rows in SQL Server?

How do I select the last 1000 rows in SQL Server?

From SSMS 2008 R2, right-clicking a table we can select “Edit Top 200 Rows” or “Select Top 1000 Rows.”

How do I select a bottom record in SQL?

Rather than TOP you can do as in this example:

  1. SELECT *
  2. FROM sys. objects.
  3. ORDER BY name.
  6. SELECT TOP 5 *
  7. FROM sys. objects.
  8. ORDER BY name.

How do I select the bottom 10 rows in SQL?

mysql> SELECT * FROM ( -> SELECT * FROM Last10RecordsDemo ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 -> )Var1 -> -> ORDER BY id ASC; The following is the output that displays the last 10 records. We can match both records with the help of the SELECT statement.

How do you select the bottom 3 rows in SQL?

Try only this:- SELECT * FROM reset ORDER BY ASC LIMIT (FOUND_ROWS() – 3), 3 and check if it is giving the last 3 rows from your table in ascending order!!!

How do I select the last 3 rows in SQL Server?

The TOP clause in SQL Server returns the first N number of records or rows from a table. Applying the ORDER BY clause with DESC, will return rows in descending order. Hence, we get the last 3 rows.

How do I select the last row in SQL Server?

In SQL Server, we can easily select the last 10 records from a table by using the “SELECT TOP” statement. The TOP clause in SQL Server is used to control the number or percentage of rows from the result. And to select the records from the last, we have to arrange the rows in descending order.

How do I get bottom rows in SQL Server?

If we have a column such as id (auto incremental), sequence number or createdOn (datetime) column, we can sort by desc and then get the top x rows, that will return us the bottom rows. In our case we have Id, if we sort as desc and then get Top 3, we will be able to get bottom 3 records.

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