
How do I view GL transactions in SAP?

How do I view GL transactions in SAP?

In SAP R/3, go to Accounting → Finance Accounting → General Ledger → Master Records → G/L accounts → Individual Processing → Centrally.

What is FBL3N in SAP?

The FBL3N report is used to list line items for multiple accounts across multiple company codes. This functionality is provided by the selection screen of the report. It is also possible to display items from more than one General Ledger account in a customized layout.

What is GL accounts in SAP?

GL stands for General Ledger. This is the most fundamental structure for collecting financial information about a business. A General Ledger account is an item within the General Ledger. Here you record the different types of Financial transactions and their values.

How do you use FAGLB03?

Accessing the new transaction. To run this transaction you can use directly the transaction code FAGLB03 or choose at SAP menu in the following path: SAP Menu-> Accounting-> Financial Accounting-> General Ledger-> Account-> FAGLB03 – Display Balances (New).

What are the types of GL accounts in SAP?

GL Account Type:

  • X – Balance Sheet Account à Balance Sheet Accounts.
  • N- Non-operating Expenses or Income à Profit & Loss account used only in FI (Without CO).
  • P- Primary Costs or Revenue à Profit & Loss account used both in FI & CO.
  • S- Secondary Costs à Profit & Loss account used for allocations in CO.

What is GL mapping?

GL mapping is the method of assigning a General Ledger account number to a financial transaction that is generated in PAS. It is handled using the GL Mapping table which contains contract attributes, account reference codes and the associated GL accounts.

What is the difference between FBL3N and FBL5N?

FBL5N for customer line items will use BSID and BSAD (for open items and cleared items respectively). FBL3N for G/L line items will use BSIS and BSAS (for open items and cleared items respectively).

What is SKA1 table in SAP?

SKA1 is a standard Financial Accounting Transparent Table in SAP FI application, which stores G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) data. Below you can view the Table Structure, columns(fields), SAP Wiki pages, discussion threads, related TCodes, FMs, ABAP Reports, BW Datasources, and Authorization Objects for SKA1.

What is AR in SAP?

Advertisements. SAP FI Accounts Receivable component records and manages accounting data of all customers. It is also an integral part of sales management. All postings in Accounts Receivable are also recorded directly in the General Ledger.

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