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How do you combine albums on iTunes with different artists?

How do you combine albums on iTunes with different artists?

Helpful answers

  1. Sort out items by clicking the option “Album by Title”.
  2. Select albums which you would like to merge.
  3. Right click on items and click “Get info” for all items you would like to merge.
  4. Click the tab “Options”.
  5. Enable “Part of Compilation” to “Yes” and enable “Gapless album” to “Yes” by clicking the boxes.

Can an album have multiple artists?

Yes, you can add featured artists to your release simply by adding them under Featured artist on track level when uploading a release in the app.

How do I combine two artists on iTunes?

Answer: A: If iTunes shows multiple instances of an artist or an album then what generally works is to select all related tracks and use Get Info to add say a trailing X to each of the fields that the tracks should have in common: For an album; Album, Album Artist, and Artist (if artist is the same for all tracks) *

Why are some of my albums split in iTunes?

iTunes sorts and organizes your music library based on the Artist’s name. If there’re multiple artists for a certain album, or if it is a compilation album, Apple will split up the album into individual albums which matches to the specific artists’ name.

Can two artists upload the same song?

If you are two separate artists working together on a project or two, you need to list your artist name as the primary artist and list the second artist name on the release as a featured artist. This will ensure that the release is seen on both artist profiles in the music stores.

What is a collaboration album?

Albums by artists who do not normally work together.

Why did iTunes split my album?

Metadata conflict is the most likely reason for the splitting album issue. Reason 1: There are more than one artist in the same album. Reason 2: Album Artist fields are mismatched in the “Sorting” tab. Reason 3: The Album Artist field is not matched with the Artist’s field.

How do I stop iTunes from splitting albums?

How to Fix Split Album in iTunes

  1. Ensure Album Artist Field Is Identical In Splitting Album.
  2. Turn On and Off Your iCloud Music Library.
  3. Check And Uncheck Compilation In iTunes.
  4. Remove the Album From Your Library And Re-add it Again.

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