
How is the life of a mercenary?

How is the life of a mercenary?

“Life of a Mercenary” is a 338,000 word interactive fantasy novel by Philip Kempton, where your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Play as male or female mercenary.

Can you be a mercenary in real life?

Today they are called security contractors… Security contractors, commonly called mercenaries, perform security, intelligence, and combat across the globe for money. They can be found in every military hot spot – Afghanistan, Colombia, or Iraq.

What is the best definition of a mercenary soldier?

A mercenary is a soldier who is paid to fight by a country or group that they do not belong to.

What jobs do mercenaries do?

A mercenary will perform roles that range from training, advising, technical, maintenance, or direct security support for pay that is higher than typically realized by those serving in the armed forces of their home country due to the increased risk and austere locations of assignment.

What were mercenaries used for?

In simplest terms, a mercenary is an armed civilian paid to do military operations in a foreign conflict zone. For example, civilians conducting direct actions or training troops in foreign conflict zones are mercenaries because they are performing uniquely military functions.

What kind of people are mercenaries?

What type of people become mercenaries?

Mercenaries usually work for private military contractors (PMC). These companies recruit people who have military training or have experience with weapons as “security contractors” to provide armed combat or security services for state or non-state actors that seek it.

Can I be a mercenary?

The majority of classic mercenary-like jobs on the market today typically require past military or law enforcement experience. Even better, is previous experience working in the special forces of the army, USMC, navy, or air force if seeking the higher paying security-related jobs available on the market.

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