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How many emperor tetras should be kept together?

How many emperor tetras should be kept together?

Tank Mates Emperor Tetras do best in groups of five or six fish. Due to the aforementioned aggression between males, it’s smart to only keep a single male in the group. This prevents any fighting and keeps the community peaceful. If you don’t want to keep a large group, these fish also do well in a simple bonded pair.

How many tetras should be kept together?

At least six neon tetras should be kept together in one tank. Neon tetras are a schooling species, so you should keep a minimum of six to ten neon tetras together in one tank. Neon tetras will feel uncomfortable, get stressed, and maybe even die if you keep too few of them together.

How many Emperor Tetras are in a school?

A schooling fish, the emperor tetra does best in groups of five or six with a single alpha male, though it can thrive as a mated pair. It is also a peaceful species, and thus ideal for a relatively small community tank though it will be disturbed by more boisterous species.

How many emperor tetras can I put in a 10 gallon tank?

The emperor tetra grows to an adult length of two inches (5 cm), so a 10-gallon tank could hold a group of up to five.

What fish can live with emperor tetra?

Tank Mates Emperors are also docile, making them ideal for community tanks. They get along well with peaceful species, including other tetras, danios, rasboras, and corydoras. Dwarf cichlids, guppies, and pencil fish are also great options, as they share the same home region (South America) and habitat preferences.

What is the largest tetra fish?

Diamond Tetra – The diamond tetra is native to Venezuela and it gets its name from the golden reflection bouncing off its scales. These fish grow to 2 ½ inches long or more and they prefer to be kept with 6 or more of their own species.

Can you mix and match tetras?

Generally, tetras will only school with members of their own species. They do this because they are best adapted to working with their own species to form a school. In a large group, it’s easier to confuse predators if everyone looks the same. However, there are a few situations where different species school together.

How big do emperor tetras get?

The emperor tetra is a placid aquarium fish and will be disturbed by more boisterous species. It grows to 4.2 cm. It prefers a pH of 6.5, a hardness of 3-6 dKH and a temperature of 23–27 °C. It does not school as readily as most tetras, and a pair appears happier than with most tetras.

What is the prettiest tetra?

Let’s get started!

  1. Black Skirt Tetra. The Black Skirt Tetra is a beautiful species with dramatic fins.
  2. Ember Tetra. Naturally found throughout Central Brazil, the Ember Tetra is a lesser-known tetra species with a lot to offer.
  3. Neon Tetra.
  4. Serpae Tetra.
  5. Green Neon Tetra.
  6. Congo Tetra.
  7. Bloodfin Tetra.
  8. Rummy Nose Tetra.

Can I keep 3 tetras together?

Neon tetras are schooling fish, they need to be in a group to feel comfortable, the more the better. For best results you should have at least 12. For minimal requirements they should be at least 6. 3 is not enough and with such small numbers, often one of the neons will be bullied by another.

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