
How much traffic is on the internet?

How much traffic is on the internet?

Global Internet traffic will be 7.7 Exabytes per day in 2021, up from 2.4 Exabytes per day in 2016. Global Internet traffic in 2021 will be equivalent to 707 billion DVDs per year, 59 billion DVDs per month, or 81 million DVDs per hour.

Which country has the most internet traffic in the world?

The ten countries with the highest number of Internet users are:

  • China – 765 million.
  • India – 391 million.
  • United States – 245 million.
  • Brazil – 126 million.
  • Japan – 116 million.
  • Russia – 109 million.
  • Mexico – 75.94 million.
  • Germany – 73.43 million.

What percentage of the world has Internet access 2020?

65.6 percent of the entire world’s population has internet access. There are 4.28 billion unique mobile internet users worldwide, which makes up 54.6 percent of the global population. Internet users spend an average of 6 hours and 56 minutes online every day.

What are the two biggest users of internet traffic?

Online populations around the world As of 2021, China remains the leading online market in the world, followed by India and the United States. Overall, East Asia is the region with the highest number of internet users worldwide, whereas Northern Europe is the region with the highest global internet penetration rate.

How much data is on the internet 2021?

74 zettabytes
So, we know data is on the rise, but just how much data is going to be produced in 2021? According to projections from Statista, 74 zettabytes of data will be created in 2021. That’s up from 59 zettabytes in 2020 and 41 zettabytes in 2019.

What is the biggest internet traffic?

Top Websites in the US by Traffic

Traffic rank Domain Mobile share
1 62.15%8.41B
2 69.73%5.33B
3 80.66%3.37B
4 72.17%1.84B

Which country has least internet users?

These countries have the world’s worst Internet access The world’s least connected country is dictator-controlled Eritrea, located in the Horn of Africa, where only . 91% of residents have access to the internet.

What percentage of the world has no internet?

37 per cent
An estimated 37 per cent of the world’s population – or 2.9 billion people – have still never used the Internet.

What percentage of internet traffic is Netflix?

Netflix accounted for 12.6% of total downstream volume of traffic across the entire internet, per the report.

What happens in 1 minute on the internet 2021?

Here are just some of the key figures of what happens in a minute: Amazon customers spend $283,000. 12 million people send an iMessage. 6 million people shop online….The Internet Minute.

Company Revenue Per Minute
Netflix $50,566

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