
Is Giant RideSense any good?

Is Giant RideSense any good?

Verdict: If you’re looking for a lightweight speed sensor that connects very easy – this could be the one for you. You’ll have to check that the sensor will fit on your bike, but if it does then we’d definitely recommend the RideSense.

What is RideSense?

RideSense 2.0 adds BLE (Bluetooth® Low Energy) to the existing ANT+ connectivity so your bike and performance data are more connected than ever before. Send cadence and speed data directly to any BLE enabled device including Apple & Android devices running applications such as Strava.

Does Apple watch track bike cadence?

Using both iPhone and Apple Watch, you can track performance metrics like power, cadence and heart rate and will even let you stream live workout data to be displayed on smartwatch and smartphone.

Does giant RideSense work with Zwift?

Zwift requires a USB2 dongle so if you have an older USB1, Zwift won’t pick it up. I’m using Giant RideSense on Elite Rollers with a standard Ant+ USB stick. Had no trouble pairing up and seems pretty accurate.

How accurate is Apple Watch for cycling?

As far as accuracy goes, the Apple Watch tracked pretty close to the Wahoo during the ride based on distance, speed and heart rate. For the most part, the Apple Watch tracked within 0.1 of a mile / 0.16 of a km, and on average 0.3mph / 0.48kph slower.

Is Apple Watch good for cyclists?

The Apple Watch makes a great cycling companion, but it could go even further. I’m a casual cyclist who bikes for recreation and exercise, so the Apple Watch works great for me to track my rides.

Does giant Ridesense work with Zwift?

Does Mac Have ANT+?

ANT+ driver support is already included in Mac OS X and NO additional work is required. For BLE support, the situation varies across devices: Mac mini, MacBook Air – available in 2011. MacBook Pro, iMac – available in 2012.

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