
Is there a plural form of basis?

Is there a plural form of basis?

Bases is the plural of basis.

What is the plural of top?

The plural form of top is tops.

What is the word for multiple basis?

The plural of basis is bases.

Is Basises a word?

basises or bases It also means a basic yet essential component of a structure. “The item has a wide circumference and a base to hold the weight.” Basises is obviously a misspelling of the word, bases which could have been a mistake from the enunciation of the word and its transcription to the papers.

Which is correct bases or basis?

Here’s the difference: Bases is the plural form of the noun “base.” It means “a foundation or groundwork.” It can also be the third-person singular present form of the verb “to base.” As a verb, it means “establishes or lays a foundation.” Basis is a noun that means “a fundemental principle or a basic unit.”

Is it basis of or basis for?

‘The basis of …’ is referring the static structure as or when it is built. ‘The basis for …’ is more strongly connoting the initial building block of the building process.

What is the noun of top?

top 1. / (tɒp) / noun. the highest or uppermost part of anythingthe top of a hill. the most important or successful positionto be at the top of the class; the top of the table.

What is the verb form of top?

Verb Forms. NAmE//tA:p// he / she / it tops. NAmE//tA:ps// past simple topped.

How do you pronounce the plural of basis?

noun, plural ba·ses [bey-seez].

Is it cover all bases or basis?

The idiom cover all the bases means (1) to prepare for every possibility, (2) to give attention to every aspect of a situation or problem, or (3) to inform (someone) of all matters at hand.

Should it be basis of or for?

I believe they are both grammatically correct, so it’s a matter of personal choice. Google Ngram indicates that, as of 2000, basis of was used roughly 65% of the time, while basis for was used 35% of the time. (It doesn’t matter, but, mirroring that statistic, basis of sounds more natural to me.)

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