What can I expect after breast augmentation revision?
You can expect itching, swelling and bruising. There may also be numbness and tingling when a breast lift is done at the same time. If your surgery involves larger implants, the chest and skin surrounding the breasts will feel tight for a while.
How long does breast implant revision take to heal?
Estimated recovery time: Patients can usually expect to return to work after 1 to 2 weeks, and they should avoid vigorous activities for 3 weeks. Visible bruising should subside within 2 weeks, and swelling should begin to resolve within 3 weeks.
Are breast revisions common?
Revision surgery is done when goals change or issues arise. Breast augmentation is a very common procedure. Women who have this cosmetic procedure do so for a number of reasons.
Do breast implants need revision?
Breast implants should generally be replaced every ten years or so, but you may need to get them revised or replaced sooner if you have complications like capsular contracture or if you want to change the size, shape, type of implant, or want a lift.
Is breast revision more painful?
Recovery from your breast revision surgery may be shorter and less painful than what you experienced after your initial surgery, depending on the specifics of your procedure. Expect to feel swollen and sore at first. Your incisions will be dressed and you may be placed in a support garment.
Is second breast augmentation less painful?
Is a second breast augmentation less painful? Many patients find they experience less pain after a second breast augmentation when compared to their first procedure. Your surgeon may be able to remove or replace the implants without creating a new pocket.
How painful is breast revision surgery?
Breast Revision Recovery Recovery from your breast revision surgery may be shorter and less painful than what you experienced after your initial surgery, depending on the specifics of your procedure. Expect to feel swollen and sore at first. Your incisions will be dressed and you may be placed in a support garment.
Is breast revision more expensive?
What Does Breast Augmentation Revision Actually Cost? It’s going to be more costly than your primary breast implant procedure.
Is breast augmentation easier the second time?
How long do I have to wait to get a breast revision?
In most cases, surgeons recommend waiting at least six months after your initial breast augmentation to undergo breast implant revision.