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What does it mean to peak your interest?

What does it mean to peak your interest?

Pique is a French word, meaning “to prick, sting, or pierce.” So if something piques your interest, it gets your attention in a way you just can’t ignore.

How do you say something has peaked your interest?

Pique can still be used (especially in British English) to mean “to arouse anger or resentment in,” as in “Their rudeness piqued me.” Now, however, it’s most often our interest or curiosity that gets piqued—that is to say, our interest or curiosity is aroused: The large key hanging on the wall piqued my curiosity.

How do you use pique interest in a sentence?

What we want to do first, though, is to pique your interest by sharing some of the accomplishments. The tour of the hospital piqued her interest in studying medicine. But organization is not the arena that piques my interest most.

How do you say highly motivated?

  1. ardent,
  2. avid,
  3. eager,
  4. energetic,
  5. impassioned,
  6. keen,
  7. raring,
  8. vigorous.

What can I say instead of empower?

synonyms for empower

  • allow.
  • entitle.
  • entrust.
  • grant.
  • legitimize.
  • permit.
  • vest.
  • accredit.

How do you use piqued?

verb (used with object), piqued, piqu·ing.

  1. to affect with sharp irritation and resentment, especially by some wound to pride: She was greatly piqued when they refused her invitation.
  2. to wound (the pride, vanity, etc.).
  3. to excite (interest, curiosity, etc.): Her curiosity was piqued by the gossip.

What piqued meaning?

1a : to excite or arouse especially by a provocation, challenge, or rebuff sly remarks to pique their curiosity. b : pride he piques himself on his skill as a cook. 2 : to arouse anger or resentment in : irritate what piques linguistic conservatives— T. H. Middleton.

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