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What does Ponyboy mean on page 122 123 when he says we could get along without anyone but Johnny?

What does Ponyboy mean on page 122 123 when he says we could get along without anyone but Johnny?

What does Pony mean on p. 123 when he says, “we could get along without anyone but Johnny”? This means that when Johnny is around they get along with more people than they get along with without him.

What happens in chapter 12 of the outsiders?

Summary: Chapter 12 The judge asks Ponyboy a few gentle questions about his home life and then acquits him of all wrongdoing and allows him to return home with his brothers. After the hearing, Ponyboy becomes detached and depressed.

How does the doctor’s first statement page 119 about Johnny’s condition foreshadow his condition in Chapter 8?

How does what the doctor first say foreshadow Johnny’s condition? The doctor tells the nurse to let Pony & Two Bit “…go in… It can’t hurt now” (page 119). This is foreshadowing the real possibility that Johnny may die.

Why would Darry be a SOC?

Why could Darry easily be a soc? Ponyboy believes Darry could easily be a soc because in the text in says, “Darry was too smart to be a greaser.” (134) Furthermore, Darry was intelligent, athletic, and attractive, and he could’ve gotten a scholarship easily if he was a soc.

What does Ponyboy mean on page 39?

Answered by jill d #170087 9 years ago 5/13/2013 7:43 AM. Ponyboy means that they each know what the other is feeling and thinking without words. They don’t need to talk. Their emotional bond is so strong that they don’t have to verbalize their feelings.

What page is Chapter 10 in the outsiders?

Why can I take it when Dally can’t?” Chapter 10, pg. 152 Just then, Dally calls. He has robbed a grocery store and the police are chasing him. The boys run to meet him at a vacant lot, so they can help him hide.

What is Chapter 10 of the outsiders about?

After Johnny’s death and Dally’s departure, Ponyboy wanders through the hospital’s halls in a daze. Pony is in denial about Johnny’s death, and keeps repeating that he isn’t dead. He leaves the hospital and roams the streets until a stranger picks him up and drives him home.

Who died in The Outsiders Chapter 12?

Chapter 12

  • Pony thought there would be more people at the hearing.
  • The only people there are Darry, Soda, Randy and his parents, Cherry and her parents, and two of the other boys who attacked Pony and Johnny the night Bob was killed.

Is there a chapter 13 in The Outsiders?

This is the continuation of the outsiders, chapter 13. There are only 12 chapters, and I will tell you that there are some spoilers in here, but not much. I’ll also tell you that I tried writing the way the author did, and kind of put a bit of my writing senses into it as well.

What foreshadows Johnny’s death?

The stabbing of Bob Sheldon by Johnny, and Johnny’s death He would kill the next person who jumped him. Nobody was ever going to beat him like that again. Not over his dead body…”. This moment of clear foreshadowing lays out Johnny’s trajectory from victim to defender and then ultimately to martyr.

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