
What does the poem night of the scorpion say about mother?

What does the poem night of the scorpion say about mother?

The poem reveals that mothers, all across the world are so caring, protective about their children that they don’t hesitate even risking their own lives for the sake of their children and family members. They sacrifice everything for the safety of their children.

What attitude of the peasants do you get in Ezekiel’s poem explain?

What attitude of the peasants do you get in Ezekiel’s poem? Ans. Hearing the poet’s mother’s screaming, the neighbouring came running to her house and tried a frantic effort to spot out the whereabouts of the scorpion. But, they were superstitious and religious minded.

What is the summary of Night of the Scorpion?

In the poem The Night of the Scorpion the poet depicts the selfless love of a mother who is stung by a scorpion. She suffers a lot because of the pain but still she is happy that the scorpion did not bite her children. The poet goes back to the night when his mother is bitten by a scorpion.

Why did the villagers say be burned away tonight?

Ans: “They” in the above passage refers to the villagers. They attributed the mother’s sufferings to her sins in some previous birth. They said that her present suffering would burn away her sins of her previous birth.

Why does the poet call the tail diabolic?

Why does the poet refer to his tail as diabolic? Ans. The sting of the scorpion’s tail caused much pain to the poet’s mother. He is therefore calling its tail diabolic or devilish.

What does the scorpion symbolize in the Night of the Scorpion?

The most striking feature of this poem is the contrast between the superstitious view of the villagers and the rationalistic attitude of narrator’s father. The imagery of the poem is vivid and varied. the scorpion becomes a symbol of evil. The streak of irony runs through the whole poem.

Why did the mother feel relieved in Night of the Scorpion?

The mother of the poet feels relieved as she thinks that all her sins are washed away. Explanation: The scorpion stings the mother of the narrator. So the peasants and the other neighbor says that the mother will be pure after the scorpion dies while they are burning the scorpion which still lies on her body.

What is the main theme of the poem Night of the Scorpion?

The theme of the poem “The Night of the Scorpion” is the effort of the father and the peasants to save the mother from the effect of the poison of scorpion.

What is the conclusion of the poem Night of the Scorpion?

Answer: The poem “Night of the Scorpion by Nissim Ezekiel depicts the selflessness and unconditional love of a mother who is stung by a scorpion. In the end, the poet depicts the selfless and unconditional love of a mother, who, even when she is in intense pain, first thinks of her children.

Why does the poet call the tail of the scorpion diabolic?

How did the mother in The Night of the Scorpion respond after her recovery?

After twenty hours the sting was lost, the poison became powerless and the mother recovered. She forgot all her sufferings and her pain. She thanked God, and was grateful that the scorpion had spared her children. My mother only said / Thank God the scorpion picked on me / And spared my children.

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