
What happened in history on the 26th of January?

What happened in history on the 26th of January?

1827 – Peru seceded from Colombia in protest against Simón Bolívar’s alleged tyranny. 1837 – Michigan became the 26th state to join the United States. 1841 – Britain formally occupied Hong Kong, which the Chinese had ceded to the British. 1861 – In the U.S., Louisiana seceded from the Union.

What happen on January 1950?

January 24, 1950 (Tuesday) The new Constitution of India, declaring the Dominion of India a Republic, was approved and signed by the 284 members of India’s Constituent Assembly.

What is the story behind the Republic day?

Republic Day commemorates the spirit of independent and individual India. It was on this day in 1930 when the Indian National Congress proclaimed Purna Swaraj, the declaration of India’s independence from colonial rule. The day also commemorates Indian citizens’ power to choose their government democratically.

What National Day is January 26th?

National Spouses Day on January 26th each year celebrates the bond between two people and sets aside time for couples to show each other gratitude. Dedicated to recognizing spouses everywhere, the observance reminds us to take time for our mate.

What is the importance of 1950 in India?

26 January – The Constitution comes into force making India a republic, the day is observed as Republic Day ever since and declares Kashmir and Jammu into the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, thus Kashmir becomes autonomous within the federation. India becomes the first republic in the Commonwealth of Nations.

What main event happened in 1950?

MAJOR EVENTS: President Truman declares state of emergency after Communist China becomes involved in the conflict. Communist Chinese forces occupy Tibet. Senator Joseph McCarthy warns of communist infiltration of State Department. Failed assassination attempt on President Truman by Puerto Rican nationalists.

What is the importance of 26 January 1930 for Indians?

A public declaration was made on 26 January 1930 – a day which the Congress Party urged Indians to celebrate as ‘Independence Day’. The declaration was passed due to the breakdown of negotiations between leaders of the freedom movement and the British over the question of dominion status for India.

What is the importance of January 26 in India’s struggle for Puma swaraj complete independence )?

It was on the 26th of January, 1950 when India got Complete Independence or Purna Swaraj that was absolutely free from the influence of the British government. This very day embodied the dream of freedom of the great freedom-fighters and patriots.

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