
What is a Cambridge style debate?

What is a Cambridge style debate?

This is the style of debate used in the Cambridge and Oxford competitions for schools and everywhere at university level. Four speakers sit down each side of a table, facing each other, with the chairman at the end – a bit like the front benches in the House of Commons.

What is a debating union?

a society or club for the purpose of debate and improvement in extemporaneous speaking. See also: Debating.

What is debate introduction?

Write your introduction. It should include a statement of your purpose and view on the debate, as well as list broad, persuasive points. The language used should be appealing to your target audience, and your introduction should be as brief as possible, taking no more than 20-30 seconds to read aloud.

What are the 3 M’s of debating?

Adjudicators asses your speech according to three criteria :matter, method and manner. Matter refers to your arguments.

What is the purpose of debating society?

The purpose of the society is to encourage critical thinking among its members while honing their public speaking and argumentative skills via competitive and formalised debating.

How does a debating society work?

A debate club gives students of all abilities a fun way of developing their oracy skills. You can use different activities to help students with their critical thinking and confident communication.

What are examples of debate introductions?

You could start with: “Good morning to all of you present here. I am [name] from house [name] to speak on the topic of [title].” Should I start my debate with a quote or by greeting the audience and then adding the quote? It’s great to start a debate with a quote.

How do you introduce yourself in a debate example?


  1. Start by greeting your judges, teachers and the audience.
  2. Say good morning or good evening sir/madam. Never say good night at late hours.
  3. Mention the topic you are going to speak for/against.
  4. Do say have a nice day or thank you for letting me share my thoughts/opinion on the topic/matter.

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