
What is a typify?

What is a typify?

Definition of typify transitive verb. 1 : to represent in typical fashion : to constitute a typical mark or instance of realism … that typified his earlier work — Current Biography. 2 : to embody the essential or salient characteristics of : be the type of.

What is the synonym of epitomizes?

embody, give form to, give shape to, incorporate. typify, exemplify, represent, be representative of, encapsulate, manifest, symbolize, stand for, illustrate, sum up. personify.

How do you use Epitomises?

Epitomizes sentence example

  1. Arguably it is Gary, the eldest of her offspring who exercises his endowment in a strictly amateur way, who epitomizes the family.
  2. The Parkcity, London Set within the exclusive district of Kensington & Chelsea, the 4* deluxe Parkcity epitomizes elegance and style.

What does Epitimizes mean?

Definition of epitomize transitive verb. 1 : to serve as the typical or ideal example of. 2 : to make or give an epitome of. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About epitomize.

What is a hidebound?

Definition of hidebound 1 of a domestic animal : having a dry skin lacking in pliancy and adhering closely to the underlying flesh. 2 : having an inflexible or ultraconservative character.

What is the definition of Disembody?

Definition of disembody transitive verb. : to divest of a body, of corporeal existence, or of reality.

What does the word précis mean?

a concise summary of essential points
Definition of précis : a concise summary of essential points, statements, or facts.

How do you use Epitomises in a sentence?

3. Her shocked and sobbing face epitomised the terror that the bombs had brought to thousands of innocent city centre workers and shoppers. 4. He epitomises the polite, friendly grandfather figure, all six foot three of him greeting me with a firm handshake.

What is the definition for Indisputably?

: impossible to question or doubt indisputable proof.

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