
What is another word for malicious intent?

What is another word for malicious intent?

What is another word for malicious intent?

evil intention bad intention
malevolent intent nefarious intention
sinister intention villainous intention
wicked intention villainous scheme
wicked scheme

What is the synonym of corrupt?

Some common synonyms of corrupt are degenerate, iniquitous, nefarious, vicious, and villainous. While all these words mean “highly reprehensible or offensive in character, nature, or conduct,” corrupt stresses a loss of moral integrity or probity causing betrayal of principle or sworn obligations.

What are 2 synonyms for intent?

synonyms for intention

  • aim.
  • hope.
  • motive.
  • objective.
  • plan.
  • purpose.
  • animus.
  • design.

What is nefarious intent?

: flagrantly wicked or impious : evil.

What does malevolent intent mean?

deliberately tries to cause harm or evil
adjective. A malevolent person deliberately tries to cause harm or evil.

What are synonyms for manipulation?

synonyms for manipulation

  • administration.
  • control.
  • direction.
  • handling.
  • use.

What is the legal term for intent?

In Criminal Law, criminal intent, also known as mens rea, is one of two elements that must be proven in order to secure a conviction (the other being the actual act, or actus reus). Some jurisdictions further classify intent into general and specific.

What is the synonym of intend?

contemplate. verbthink about seriously; plan. aim. aspire to. brood over.

What is the best synonym corrupt?

synonyms for corrupt

  • crooked.
  • fraudulent.
  • nefarious.
  • rotten.
  • shady.
  • unethical.
  • unscrupulous.
  • untrustworthy.

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