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What is Silicium good for?

What is Silicium good for?

Silica may help protect your heart health by reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, while lowering cholesterol, according to a 2018 report by the University of Memphis. The mineral can also support the immune response, and help to control inflammation in the body.

What is organic Silicium?

Silicium is the most abundant element of the earth’s crust. It is found in the mineral and organic world. Initially, a simple observation, the concentration of organic silicium, essential element of the skin, decreases with time hence causing a structural and metabolic collapse of the skin.

Why is silicon used in vitamins?

Silicon dioxide is also added to many foods and supplements. As a food additive, it serves as an anticaking agent to avoid clumping. In supplements, it’s used to prevent the various powdered ingredients from sticking together.

What is Silicium for skin?

Helps oxygenate the skin: “Silica gives you a glow because it is a strong carrier of oxygen, and it increases the transport of both nutrients and oxygen to the skin,” Sharkar explains. “It helps red blood cells to carry 20 percent more oxygen, and because of that, the skin stays more hydrated as well.

Does silica improve skin?

Studies have shown that the use of silica both topically and internally significantly improves the elasticity, texture and hydration of the skin, as well as reducing visible signs of ageing[v].

What are the side effects of silicon?

People can experience adverse effects of silicon dioxide if they inhale the fine particles. Long-term exposure to silica dust may pose a serious risk to health….Adverse effects

  • silicosis, a progressive, irreversible lung disease.
  • lung cancer.
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD.
  • increased risk of tuberculosis.

Which foods are high in silica?

Here are seven foods high in silica:

  • Green Beans. Green beans are among the most silica-rich vegetables.
  • Bananas. As far as fruits go, bananas are one of the biggest sources of silica.
  • Leafy Greens. Many different types of leafy green vegetables are sources of silica.
  • Brown Rice.
  • Cereal.
  • Lentils.

Does silica detox the body?

Silica is very good at removing waste material, toxins, and heavy metals from the body. This makes silica a good addition to any detox program to deeply cleanse your cells. If you want to maximize how silica benefits the digestive tract, make sure you choose healthy food sources.

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