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What is the difference between the central route and peripheral route?

What is the difference between the central route and peripheral route?

Central route to persuasion occurs when a person is persuaded by the content of the message. Peripheral route to persuasion occurs when a person is persuaded by something other than the message’s content.

What is peripheral route persuasion psychology?

the process by which attitudes are formed or changed as a result of using peripheral cues rather than carefully scrutinizing and thinking about the central merits of attitude-relevant information. See also elaboration; elaboration-likelihood model.

What is peripheral process?

Peripheral Route Processing (also known as Peripheral Route To Persuasion) occurs when someone evaluates a message, such as an advertisement, on the basis of physical attractiveness, background music, or other surface-level characteristics rather than the actual content of the message.

What are peripheral devices?

A peripheral device provides input/output (I/O) functions for a computer and serves as an auxiliary computer device without computing-intensive functionality….Peripheral devices include the following:

  • Mouse.
  • Keyboard.
  • Printer.
  • Monitor.
  • Webcam.
  • Printer.
  • Scanner.
  • Speakers.

What are peripheral and central cues?

ELM suggests that there are two types of cues in persuasive communications: peripheral and central (Bansal et al. 2015). Peripheral cues are implicit cues embedded in a message. Central cues are more complex cues in a message that require more cognitive effort from the receiver to evaluate them.

What is the peripheral route of persuasion in advertising?

The peripheral route to persuasion occurs when the listener decides whether to agree with the message based on other cues besides the strength of the arguments or ideas in the message. For example, a listener may decide to agree with a message because the source appears to be an expert, or is attractive.

What is peripheral influence?

The peripheral route to persuasion occurs when a person is persuaded by something other than the argument that’s central to the merits of the product or idea being put forth, while the central route to persuasion occurs when a person is persuaded by the actual argument about the merits of the product or idea.

What does peripheral mean in medical terms?

Peripheral means “away from the center.” It refers to areas away from the center of the body or a body part. For example, the hands are peripheral to the shoulder. The toes are peripheral to the knees. There are three body views (front, back, and side) that can help you to identify a specific body area.

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