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What is the education in ancient times?

What is the education in ancient times?

The ancient education focused on imparting ethics like humility, truthfulness, discipline, self-reliance, and respecting all creations to the students. The education was mostly imparted in ashrams, gurukuls, temples, houses. Sometimes pujaris of the temples used to teach students.

What was education like in ancient societies?

Formal education was practical and aimed to train scribes and priests. It was extended from basic reading, writing, and religion to higher learning in law, medicine, and astrology. Generally, youth of the upper classes were prepared to become scribes, who ranged from copyists to librarians and teachers.

What are historical foundations?

It includes. Role of curriculum in achievements of nations. Guides future plans. Factors that influence development of nation e.g. unity.

What is the significance of historical foundation of education?

The study of history of education helps teachers in training to appreciate the various aspects of their past educational process so as to link them to the present; 2. It enables teachers in training to know what type of education we had and the purpose it served in the past; 3.

What are the features of ancient education system?

SALIENT FEATURES OF ANCIENT EDUCATION SYSTEM: The system focused on the moral, physical, spiritual and intellectual aspects of life. It emphasised on values such as humility, truthfulness, discipline, self-reliance and respect for all creations.

What is the difference between modern and ancient education?

As mentioned above, in the traditional education the students are taught about traditions, customs, rituals, and religion. In the modern education, the students are taught about science, technology, language skills, and mathematics etc.

What are the foundations of education?

Foundations of Education refers to a broadly-conceived field of educational study that derives its character and methods from a number of academic disciplines, combinations of disciplines, and area studies, including: history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, religion, political science, economics, psychology.

What is historical foundation of education in the Philippines?

The Decree of Education in 1863 established the first ever educational system in the Philippines. It required the government to provide school institutions for boys and girls in every town. Given the situation, the Spanish schools started accepting Filipino students.

What is the difference between ancient and modern education?

What are the features of education in ancient Vedic times?

The main aim of Vedic education was to attain salvation through education. The teacher teaches the student in Gurukulas and Ashrams. The students and teachers follow the principle of simple living but high thinking. Education helped in observance of celibacy, control over sense and purity of life.

What were the features of education system in ancient India?

Solution : The education system in ancient India focused on the holistic development of individuals. It put emphasis on values like humility, discipline, truthfulness, self-reliance and respect for all creations. The students were taught to fulfill their duties towards self, family and society.

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