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What is the names of 5 artificial satellites?

What is the names of 5 artificial satellites?

ISRO launched EOS-01 (Earth Observation Satellite) using PSLV-C49 in November 2020. This article provides the complete list of satellites launched by India till 2020….List of Indian Satellites – (1975 – 2021)

Launch year Satellite Importance
2007 INSAT-4B Similar to INSAT-4A
2007 INSAT-4CR Identical to INSAT-4C
2008 CARTOSAT-2A Similar to CARTOSAT-2

What is an artificial satellite for class 5th?

Artificial satellites are man-made objects that orbit the Earth and other planets in the Solar System.

How many artificial satellites are there?

An artificial satellite is an object that people have made and launched into orbit using rockets. There are currently over 3,000 active satellites orbiting the Earth.

What is the name of first artificial satellite?

Sputnik 1
On Oct. 4, 1957, Sputnik 1 successfully launched and entered Earth’s orbit. Thus, began the space age. The successful launch shocked the world, giving the former Soviet Union the distinction of putting the first human-made object into space.

What are types of artificial satellites?

Types of satellites

  • Navigation satellites. The GPS (global positioning system) is made up of 24 satellites that orbit at an altitude of 20,000 km above the surface of the Earth.
  • Communication satellites.
  • Weather satellites.
  • Earth observation satellites.
  • Astronomical satellites.
  • International Space Station (ISS)

What is an example of artificial satellite?

An artificial satellite is a man-made body placed in orbit round the earth or another planet in order to collect information about it or for communication purposes. The International Space Station is an example of an artificial satellite.

What is an artificial satellite class 6?

Solution : If a manmade object revolves around the earth or any other planet in a fixed orbit it is called an artificial satellite.

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