
What is the presentation for optic neuritis?

What is the presentation for optic neuritis?

The classic presentation of optic neuritis associated with multiple sclerosis is unilateral, moderate, painful vision loss with an afferent pupillary defect and normal fundus examination.

What is the pathophysiology of optic neuritis?

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The most common pathologic basis for optic neuritis is inflammatory demyelination of the optic nerve. The pathology is similar to that of acute multiple sclerosis (MS) plaques in the brain, with perivascular cuffing, edema in the myelinated nerve sheaths, and myelin breakdown.

What are the symptoms of neuritis?

The characteristic symptoms include pain and tenderness, impaired sensation, often with numbness or hypersensitivity, impaired strength and reflexes, and abnormal circulation and decreased ability to sweat in the distribution of the inflamed nerve or nerves.

How is neuritis diagnosed?

Other tests to diagnose optic neuritis might include:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An MRI scan uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to make pictures of your body.
  2. Blood tests.
  3. Optical coherence tomography (OCT).
  4. Visual field test.
  5. Visual evoked response.

What is neuromyelitis optica?

Neuromyelitis optica (NMO), also known as Devic’s disease, is a rare condition where the immune system damages the spinal cord and the nerves of the eyes (optic nerves). NMO can affect anyone at any age, but it’s more common in women than men.

What helps optic neuritis?

Optic neuritis usually improves on its own. In some cases, steroid medications are used to reduce inflammation in the optic nerve. Possible side effects from steroid treatment include weight gain, mood changes, facial flushing, stomach upset and insomnia. Steroid treatment is usually given by vein (intravenously).

What is neuritis mean?

Definition of neuritis : an inflammatory or degenerative lesion of a nerve marked especially by pain, sensory disturbances, and impaired or lost reflexes.

How do you treat neuritis?

Most cases of brachial neuritis require some type of treatment to help manage the initial pain levels, such as one or more of the following:

  1. Pain medications.
  2. Rest or reduced activity.
  3. Ice or heat therapy.
  4. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS) unit.

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