What is the purpose of the joint planning process?
Joint planning is the process of identifying military ways and means (with associated risk) the President can integrate with other instruments of national power (diplomatic, informational, and economic) to implement strategic guidance.
What is the theory of joint operations?
Joint operations in the modern age dominates contemporary warfare and connotes “activities, operations, organizations, etc., in which elements of two or more [services] participates” to accomplish common operational objectives (U.S. DoD 2020. 2020. DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, June.
What is a mission analysis?
Mission analysis involves identifying tasks that must be performed (mission essential tasks). They may may be implied or specified from the higher OPORD/OPLAN. Usually, there are limitations on unit tasks that have been identified which may affect mission accomplishment.
What is the first rule for planning joint sustainment?
Included in the first rule of joint logistics planning (that sustainment is provided by the service) is the need to consider sustainment functions assigned through executive agent directives or other instructions to a single service or agency.
What is Joint Force mission command & command relationships?
Mission command is a key component of the command and control joint function – “The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission.”
What is the joint concept?
Joint Concepts address emerging operational challenges, propose solutions and identify required capabilities through collaboration, engagement and rigor, in order to enhance the operational effectiveness of the Joint Force.
How do you write a mission analysis?
The steps of Mission Analysis.
- (1) Gather the Facts. (a) Determine Mission and Intent of Commanders TWO levels up.
- (2) Make Assumptions. (a) Assumptions replace necessary but missing or unknown information.
- (3) Analyze Higher Mission. (a) Purpose of Higher HQ mission (WHY of the Mission).
- (4) Issue Commander’s Guidance.