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What other technology was developed during the Civil War?

What other technology was developed during the Civil War?

The Civil War was fought at a time of great technological innovation and new inventions, including the telegraph, the railroad, and even balloons, became part of the conflict. Some of these new inventions, such as ironclads and telegraphic communication, changed warfare forever.

Who had the best technology in the Civil War?

The telegraph was perhaps one of the most effective technologies used during the Civil War. It allowed commanders to instantly communicate with each other and provide almost real time information about battle results, enemy troop movements, unit locations etc… Abraham Lincoln used the telegraph daily.

How did new technology impact the Civil War?

The Civil War was a time of great social and political upheaval. It was also a time of great technological change. Inventors and military men devised new types of weapons, such as the repeating rifle and the submarine, that forever changed the way that wars were fought.

Which of the following technologies made the Civil War one of the first modern wars?

Civil war was first modern war as it was the first major war in America after the industrial revolution. Railroads, Telegraph, rifled rifles and miniballs, and ironclads were examples of these technological advancements.

What did the new technology and advanced weaponry of the Civil War lead historians to conclude?

What did the new technology and advanced weaponry of the Civil War lead historians to conclude? It was the first modern war.

Who supplied weapons during the Civil War?

Large companies such as Colt Patent Firearms and Remington began mass producing both single and double action revolvers for the Union. The Confederacy, however, was forced to use inexperienced, unskilled labor, and close to zero raw materials for their revolver production efforts.

Who had the advantage in the Civil War?

Despite the North’s greater population, however, the South had an army almost equal in size during the first year of the war. The North had an enormous industrial advantage as well. At the beginning of the war, the Confederacy had only one-ninth the industrial capacity of the Union.

What technology did they use at the battle of Gettysburg?

Those who fought at Gettysburg with rifles and carbines were supported by nearly 630 cannon—360 Union and 270 Confederate. About half of these were rifled iron pieces, all but four of the others were smoothbore bronze guns. The same types of cannon were used by both armies.

How did technology affect the Civil War quizlet?

How did technology affect military strategy during the Civil War? Tech increased accuracy, loading, and pace of rifles. Land mines, the minie ball,trenches, barricades and grenade discovered. Contrast Grant and McClellan.

Which of the following is a technology which was first employed by military prior to its civil use?

The earliest military weapons The stone walls of Jericho, which date from about 8000 bce, represent the first technology that can be ascribed unequivocally to purely military purposes.

What impact did technological innovations have on World War I quizlet?

Many technological advances made the war more lethal. Airplanes were used for scouting and support of ground forces. Armored tanks appeared on the battlefield. More than any other weapons, rapid-fire machine guns, deadly gases, and heavy artillery raised the death toll.

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