
What questions should I ask when planning a funeral?

What questions should I ask when planning a funeral?

Questions to discuss with family:

  • Did the deceased leave a will, prepaid funeral plan, or special instructions?
  • Is embalmment or cremation desired?
  • If embalmed, what will the deceased wear?
  • If cremated, where will the remains be stored or scattered?
  • Who will give the eulogy?
  • If buried, who will serve as pallbearers?

How do I start planning a funeral?

How to plan a funeral step-by-step

  1. Contact the deceased’s legal representative.
  2. Select a funeral home.
  3. Choose a form of disposition.
  4. Choose a service type.
  5. Choose a location for the funeral service.
  6. Find and schedule a clergy member or officiant.
  7. Select a casket.
  8. Select a burial container and/or vault.

Who sits in front row at funeral?

At the funeral, the front rows of seating are reserved for family and pallbearers. The closest family should sit in the front, with additional close family members behind them, such as cousins or grandchildren.

What are the steps to planning a funeral?

What should I know before going to a funeral home?

Nine Things to Know Before Going to a Funeral Home

  • You can pre-plan without pre-paying.
  • You can rent a cremation urn or casket for the memorial service.
  • Ask the funeral home for low-cost options.
  • You can use an “alternative container” for cremation.
  • Veterans with honorable discharge can get free burial services.

How do you plan a memorial service checklist?

Memorial Service Checklist

  1. Choosing the best date & time.
  2. Deciding on the best location.
  3. Who will you invite to the service.
  4. Create the order of service.
  5. Who will lead & participate.
  6. Asking friends & family members to speak.
  7. Will there be a tribute video or stationary.
  8. Where will the reception be held afterwards.

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