
What should I build for Phantom Lancer?

What should I build for Phantom Lancer?

Phantom Lancer should build items that provide stats and passive buffs rather than raw damage or attack speed. Diffusal Blade is the most important item for Phantom Lancer. Phantom Lancer starts off dealing more damage, and less once the target’s mana is drained.

Is Phantom Lancer good?

Phantom Lancer is a moderately good ganker, but still needs to farm items for the late game. Try to balance the two roles depending on what opportunities are present on the map. Phantom Lancer has no strong disables, instead relying on speed and slows to catch up to his opponents.

Can PL illusions bash?

Yes and No, Illusion benefits from a lots of passive abilities may they be granted by items or skills but not all. You can not benefit from bashes on illusion (Bash from basher, Abyssal blade, or Barathrum’s bash for example).

How do you play Phantom Lancer?

Phantom Lancer is extremely reliant on his illusions throughout the game. He farms, kills, and pushes lanes with illusions. He also jukes enemies with illusions, so he requires items that boost the illusions’ power. He needs to maximize the illusions’ damage output while also increasing their combat sustain.

Can illusion crit DOTA?

Illusions can use critical strike, but the damage will be heavily reduced due to being an illusion. Illusions cannot use guaranteed critical strikes.

What counters Phantom Lancer late game?

Illusion Build Up

  1. If you can force him to rotate, his effectiveness drops hard until he is back to having an army.
  2. If you go late game, carries that don’t rely on having an illusion build up will outcarry him — they have strong and consistent damage, which becomes more useful in late game.

Can PL illusions crit?

How do you counter Phantom Lancer?

Crimson Guard will completely negate the damage of Phantom Lancer’s illusions, even when Phantom Lancer has a considerable farm. Battle Fury’s cleave damage helps destroy Phantom Lancer’s illusions.

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