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Why did my nail grow back thicker?

Why did my nail grow back thicker?

Changes in your toenails may be a symptom of an underlying condition. Toenails that grow thicker over time likely indicate a fungal infection, also known as onychomycosis. Left untreated, thick toenails can become painful. Prompt treatment can be key to curing the nail fungus.

Can thick nails be reversed?

Thick toenails can be reversed if the underlying cause is addressed or proper preventative measures are taken. Polishing rough surfaces to make them smoother is a great way to treat thick toenails. Avoid pedicures because they may cause fungal infection to flare up when cuticles are removed.

Do nails grow back thicker?

Often, as a person ages, the nails on their toes start to thicken. Though the condition is most common on the toenails, it is possible for the fingernails to thicken also. It is thought that the nails thicken as people get older because the body is not as able to renew itself as it was at a younger age.

How do you reduce thickening of nails?

Foot Hygiene

  1. Keeping your toes clean and dry.
  2. Keeping your nails short.
  3. Not sharing nail hygiene tools (like nail clippers)
  4. Wearing shoes when in shared spaces like locker rooms or pools.
  5. Avoiding shoes that are too tight or too loose.

Why did my toenail grow back thicker after falling off?

Thickening may also occur as a result of trauma to the toenail, such as when it repeatedly hits the end of a shoe that is too short. Sometimes when something is dropped on the toenail, the nail will fall off. When a new toenail grows back, it will often be thicker than it was previously.

Can you file down a thick toenail?

I would always advise to file a thickened nail rather than cut it, this way you can do little harm to the nail and surrounding skin. A ‘Diamond deb’ nail file usually works best, filing the nail 2-3 times a week will usually keep the thickness reduced.

Why is my second toenail so thick?

Thick toenails are your body whispering that something is not right. Several causes result in developing thick toenails. The main cause is onychomycosis or fungal infection of the nails caused by dermatophytes (nail fungus). Physical trauma, Psoriasis,Lichen planus and diabetes may also cause thick nails to develop.

How do u get rid of thick toenails?

Applying a small amount of melted coconut oil can help heal thick yellow toenails. You can purchase over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal nail creams and ointments. Be sure to clip and clean your nails before use to make sure the creams reach deeper layers. Laser therapy can be used to treat a fungal toenail infection.

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