
Why does the mineral olivine take in either Fe or Mg into the same location in its crystal structure?

Why does the mineral olivine take in either Fe or Mg into the same location in its crystal structure?

In the olivine series of minerals, the iron and magnesium ions in the solid solution are about the same size and charge, so either atom can fit into the same location in the growing crystals.

Where is olivine most commonly found?

Olivine as a gemstone is mostly mined at the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona to create small olivine gemstones infused with chromite or other minerals. Olivine used for larger productions such as dolomitic and serpentine marble is typically mined in Myanmar and Pakistan.

Is Fayalite stable on Earth’s surface?

Fayalite is stable with quartz at low pressures, whereas more magnesian olivine is not, because of the reaction olivine + quartz = orthopyroxene. Iron stabilizes the olivine + quartz pair….

2V angle Measured: 74° to 47°, Calculated: 54° to 66°

Why will an iron rich olivine have a higher density than a magnesium rich olivine group of answer choices?

Why will an iron-rich olivine have a higher density than a magnesium-rich olivine? Iron has a greater atomic mass than magnesium and therefore is heavier.

What rocks contain olivine?

Olivine Occurrence Most olivine found at Earth’s floor is in dark-colored igneous rocks. It usually crystallizes inside the presence of plagioclase and pyroxene to form gabbro or basalt.

Where is olivine in Hawaii?

The olivine stone, affectionately called the ‘Hawaiian Diamond’ can be found in many locations on the Hawaiian islands. It is found in the greatest concentration at Papakolea. Because the tiny stones are denser than volcanic ash, they accumulate on the beach sands whereas the ash washes out to sea.

Where is olivine found in Hawaii?

Mahana Beach on Hawaii’s Papakolea coast is one of only three green sand beaches in the world. The beach sand on the Big Island’s undeveloped southern tip is rich in the mineral olivine (Gem-quality olivine is known as peridot, the August birthstone).

Why can olivine have both magnesium and iron in its chemical formula?

This is because olivine is a solid solution — and magnesium and iron are similar enough that they can sub in for each other as olivine crystallizes from magma, which is essentially one giant, super-heated mess of elements and minerals hanging out and interacting with each other, just like they do in chemistry.

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