
How do I close a Entity Framework connection?

How do I close a Entity Framework connection?

If the object context opens the connection during an operation, it will always close the connection when the operation is complete. If you manually open the connection, the object context will not close it. Calling Close or Dispose will close the connection.

Does DbContext dispose close connection?

So if you have more than one DbContext with the same connection whichever context is disposed first will close the connection (similarly if you have mixed an existing ADO.NET connection with a DbContext, DbContext will always close the connection when it is disposed).

How do I dispose of DbContext?

Although the DbContext implements IDisposable , you shouldn’t manually dispose it, nor should you wrap it in a using statement. DbContext manages its own lifetime; when your data access request is completed, DbContext will automatically close the database connection for you.

Do we need to close connection in Entity Framework?

Accepted Answer Usually EF opens and closes the connections automatically before/after an operation is completed. However if you open a connection manually, EF will NOT close it for you after a database operation is completed. It is best practice to close a connection if you don’t need it.

How do you know if dbContext is disposed?

You can test the functionality in a code block like this one:

  1. using (dbContext = new YourDbContext())
  2. {
  3. Console. WriteLine(“Disposed: {0}”, dbContext. IsDisposed());
  4. Exporter. DoSomething(dbContext);
  5. Console. WriteLine(“Disposed: {0}”, dbContext. IsDisposed());
  6. }
  7. Console. WriteLine(“Disposed: {0}”, dbContext.

How do I dispose of dbContext in EF core?

When the controller is being disposed, call dispose on your repository and that should dispose the context. If you are using a service layer and not talking to the repository directly from the controller, then call dispose on the service which will call dispose on repo which will dispose the context.

Should DbContext be reused?

The thing you want to reuse is the DbContext code + all EF logic. You don’t want to (can’t) reuse same DbContext instance across projects (apps). So to reuse the code, you just need to put all of your Model + DBContext in a project. Then in other projects, you can add reference to it.

What is the purpose of DbContext?

DbContext is the primary class that is responsible for interacting with the database. It is responsible for the following activities: Querying: Converts LINQ-to-Entities queries to SQL query and sends them to the database.

What is DbContext used for?

Definition. A DbContext instance represents a combination of the Unit Of Work and Repository patterns such that it can be used to query from a database and group together changes that will then be written back to the store as a unit. DbContext is conceptually similar to ObjectContext.

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