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What is the best place to visit in Ethiopia?

What is the best place to visit in Ethiopia?

10 Best and Most Incredible Places to Visit in Ethiopia

  1. Simien Mountains. Nestled in the highlands of northern Ethiopia you will find the spectacular Simien Mountains.
  2. Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela.
  3. The Holy City of Harar.
  4. Gondar.
  5. Addis Ababa.
  6. Blue Nile Falls.
  7. Aksum.
  8. Arba Minch.

What is the most beautiful place in Ethiopia?


  • Aksum.
  • The Semien (or Simien) Mountains.
  • Omo Valley.
  • Bale Mountains.
  • The Great Rift Valley.
  • Blue Nile Falls.
  • Danakil Depression.
  • Churches of Lalibela.

Is Ethiopia a good tourist destination?

Ethiopia was named as the world’s best destination for tourists in 2015 by the European Council on Tourism and Trade. What makes the country unique? Ethiopia is home to nine UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Semien National Park.

What are the two major tourist attraction site in Ethiopia?

The most famous tourist attractions of Ethiopia on the historical circuit are: the circular Ethiopian Orthodox Churches on islands in Lake Tana, the Blue Nile Falls, the castles of Gondar, the Stellea of Axum, the rock hewn churches of Tigray, the ancient temple of Yeha, and the rock hewn churches in Lalibela.

Which one is the best city in Ethiopia?

Addis Ababa As the country’s capital, it is obvious that Addis tops our list of cities in Ethiopia. You will find here different people and cultures inhabit this tech and biz hub. The great diversity of Addis makes it a city to behold; it is a meeting point between ancient culture and modernity.

Which is the richest region in Ethiopia?

Amhara Region

  • Language.
  • Watch.
  • Edit.

What is the major cities in Ethiopia?

What are the major cities in Ethiopia?

  • Addis Ababa, the capital of modernity.
  • Gondar, remembering the empire.
  • Bahir Dar, a luxury by Lake Tana.
  • Harar and its walls, a necessary anachronism.
  • Dodola, the gateway to the Bale Mountains.
  • Lalibela and its churches carved out of the rocks.

What is the second largest city in Ethiopia?

Cities / Towns (Size)

Order Name Census 2007
1. Addis Ababa 2,739,551
2. Gondar 207,044
3. Mekelle 215,914
4. Adama 220,212

Are there any beaches in Ethiopia?

Langano Beach, Ethiopia You may not think of Ethiopia as an ideal spot for a beach vacation because of it’s, well, landlocked. But you’d be wrong: it does have plenty of sandy lakes. Langano Beach is the place to go here.

Which region is poor in Ethiopia?

The regional distribution of total poverty in Ethiopia in 2015/16, poverty incidence is the highest in Tigray (27%) followed by Beneshangul Gumuz (26.5%), and Amhara (26.1%), while poverty estimates are lowest in Harari (7.1 percent) followed by Dire Dawa (15.4 percent) and Addis Ababa (16.8 percent).

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