
Application Essay for a Medical School: What is It?

Every year a great number of prospective students have concerns about their academic future. Severe competition awaits everyone who wants to get a degree, but for medical students, the selection process is even tougher. If you want to become a doctor or a nurse, be ready that acceptance rate at such establishments is about 6,8%. This number is lower than anywhere else. In other words, 60-90% of applicants simply will not get in.

Collecting a bunch of papers, letters of recommendation, undergraduate transcripts, scores – this is just the first step in a long way for a prospective student. Well-prepared documents and high grades give you an opportunity to be submitted for a secondary application.

Secondaries at the medical college include an essay on the exact topic. Such assignment allows future doctors to illustrate their commitment and, moreover, the motivation for a medical field. After the paperwork selection process, picking up of the most inspired candidates takes place.

The importance of med essays

Doctors do not stop studying, as it is the permanent process. It begins at school and lasts through the lifespan. Indeed, a good start at a prestigious college is extremely crucial. Proper written med school application essay has the status of the most important step for getting in and enrollees are to pay great attention to it.

However, the essay does not have to be very complicated or perplexed. It should be quite simple and eye-catching. Your narration is a mean of description yourself from a professional side and it gives an opportunity to find out the way you see the world around.

Writing tips

There is no general structure or example to follow in med essay writing, as every college sets its own rules, instructions, and volume for the text. Ask school representatives to send you a sample and compose your own essay based on it.

Though students are not restricted to make a story any way they like, but practically there are a few nice ideas which should appear in your paper:

  • reasons why you chose this profession;
  • people, who had an influence on you in this decision;
  • description of a medical experience or volunteer work;
  • experience, that has changed your life and so on.

Such essay gives a clear vision of your personality. It should catch the reader’s attention and make him decide that this particular narrator is the top candidate for this particular school.

In your paper do not forget to mention your:

  • goals;
  • scores:
  • achievements;
  • credentials;
  • letters of appreciation.

Brainstorm, think of a big picture, overlook your most impressive stories and background, provide the details. However, you should mention only significant experience, which is considered as the most meaningful and valuable. Show how you are aspired to become a part of a medical world.

Remember, every year the committee reads thousands of letters and all of them remind one another. There is a simple, but a useful tip – be creative.

Do not hesitate to edit your paper for several times and also the essay should be proofread. If you feel a lack of writing skills, ask somebody to help you. Nevertheless, experts advise applying to a professional proofreader, who will point the weak moments of your essay and give recommendations.

Remember to format your ready text. Sometimes schools do not accept works made impropriety. Make sure that your paper complies with the given instructions.

Next step after essay

In case of success, you would be invited to an interview. The enrolment board will certainly ask you some questions about an application essay, therefore try to avoid writing fake facts and myths. Everything must be proved by certificates, photos or letters of recommendations.

The committee desires to see an extraordinary person, who is ready to dedicate all his power and strength to the idea of helping people. Remember that medical schools cannot interview everyone. The information provided in the essay is highly heavyweight in making a decision about the prospective student.

Transform your ideas into words and make your personal statement shine.

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