Do John Deere mowers come with mulching blades?
All MulchControl™ Kits from John Deere include mulching blades for best grass mulching results.
Should I put mulching blades on my mower?
Mulching blades are an excellent choice for use on lawns that receive a mowing every three to four days. Using mulching blades on overgrown grass can result in clogging under the deck and piles of grass on the cut lawn. Mulching is also an environmentally friendly way to deal with grass clippings.
Do mulching blades cut better?
Mulching Blades vs Regular Blades: The Bottom Line Most people are looking for a winner, but the truth is that neither one of these blades is “better” than the other. They’re designed for different uses. If you want to mulch your clippings, use a mulching blade. Just don’t let your lawn get too overgrown.
Is there a difference between mulching blades and regular?
The primary difference between a mulching blade and a regular blade is shape. A mulching blade typically has a more curved profile than a regular blade, and it is also likely to have cutting edges along more of its surface than a regular blade does.
Can you replace a regular blade with a mulching blade?
Yes, you can put a mulching blade on almost any mower. To put a mulching blade on a mower, the blade needs to be able to fit the deck properly and be secured tightly. Not all mowers equipped with a mulching blade will do a good mulching job due to bad deck design, or low-powered engine.
Can you side discharge with mulching blades?
Mulching blades are sometimes called “all purpose” or “3-in-1” blades because you can use them to mulch, bag, or side discharge. Standard blades are called 2-in-1 blades because you can use them to either bag or side discharge the grass.
Which is better high lift or mulching blades?
Just be aware that it’s imperative to mow regularly with a mulching blade. Otherwise, if you’re happy to bag your clippings and want to gain an edge in your bid to try and create better-looking lawn stripes, go for a high lift blade.