
Does Kent accept UCAS points?

Does Kent accept UCAS points?

We make offers solely on the basis of the IB marking scheme and not the UCAS tariff. We have a standard IB Diploma offer of 34 points across all programmes of study including any specific subjects at higher or standard level required by the particular degree programme.

Do you have to put 5 choices on UCAS?

There is no requirement to list all five choices (ie. the maximum allowed) when first sending the application to UCAS. You can add choices up to 30 June by signing into Track – as long as no replies to offers have been recorded.

What is the minimum UCAS points for university?

How many UCAS points do you need? When searching for a university course, you’ll find the entry requirements include a minimum number of UCAS points. This will often be 112 UCAS points but will vary from course to course.

Do universities accept lower UCAS points?

Most universities that have course vacancies during Clearing will be prepared to accept you if your grades are below their entry requirements as long as you sound passionate and are right for the degree subject. They may also accept you based on the UCAS points you’ve accumulated rather than you final grades.

What grades do you need to get into University of Kent?

The University’s minimum matriculation requirement is normally two A-Levels at grade E, or equivalent, although most courses require much higher grades for entry.

Do universities see your other choices?

Can universities see where else you’ve applied to – and could this affect your chances? The answer to this one is no! You can enter a maximum of five choices on your application, but universities won’t be able to see where else you’ve applied to.

How can I get 40 UCAS points?

3 genius ways to get extra UCAS points

  1. Volunteer. ASDAN offer community-based courses that can get you plenty of extra UCAS points, such as the CoPE (16 UCAS points) and Wider Key Skills (3 different qualifications available, 8 points each).
  2. Take an extra AS Level.
  3. Learn an instrument (or get graded)
  4. Become a tutor.

Can you get into uni with 3 E’s?

Thousands of students are being allowed on to degree courses with less than three E grades at A-level, figures have revealed. A total of 2,790 teenagers with this level of achievement were admitted to universities in 2017, according to data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

How do I increase my UCAS points?

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