
What should skewness and kurtosis be for normal distribution?

What should skewness and kurtosis be for normal distribution?

The values for asymmetry and kurtosis between -2 and +2 are considered acceptable in order to prove normal univariate distribution (George & Mallery, 2010). Hair et al. (2010) and Bryne (2010) argued that data is considered to be normal if skewness is between ‐2 to +2 and kurtosis is between ‐7 to +7.

What should kurtosis be for normal distribution?

The first step for considering normal distribution is observed outliers. The acceptable range for skewness or kurtosis below +1.5 and above -1.5 (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013).

How do you check for normality of multivariate data?

For more than two variables, a Gamma plot can still be used to check the assumption of multivariate normality. Among the many test proposed for testing multivariate normality, Royston’s and Mardia’s tests are used more often and are implemented in many statistical packages.

What is the skewness value for normal distribution?

The skewness for a normal distribution is zero, and any symmetric data should have a skewness near zero. Negative values for the skewness indicate data that are skewed left and positive values for the skewness indicate data that are skewed right.

How does skewness and kurtosis effect normality of data?

Statistically, two numerical measures of shape – skewness and excess kurtosis – can be used to test for normality. If skewness is not close to zero, then your data set is not normally distributed.

What do you call the distribution whose kurtosis is that of a normally distributed curve?

The first category of kurtosis is a mesokurtic distribution. This distribution has a kurtosis statistic similar to that of the normal distribution, meaning the extreme value characteristic of the distribution is similar to that of a normal distribution. The second category is a leptokurtic distribution.

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