
Should I dilute D-76?

Should I dilute D-76?

Kodak recommends using D-76 as a full-strength stock solution. But there is no reason to use it undiluted. For greater sharpness, but with a slight increase of grain, a 1+1 dilution is typically used, which is also recommended by Kodak.

How do you mix a D-76?

You simply combine 1 part D76 with 3 parts water to get a 1:3 dilution, or 5 parts water to get a 1:5 dilution. The total volume would be 300ml per roll of 135 film, 600ml per roll of 120.

Is id11 the same as D-76?

D-76 and ID-11 are essentially identical. Ilford’s is closer to the original formula, which is why the ingredients come in two packets.

How do I store stock in D-76?

By contrast, mixed D76 stock solution has a definite shelf life and exposure to air will cause it to go off. Now if I was re-using/replenishing the stock solution that would be no problem. I’d keep it in a well-sealed 1 gallon container.

What are the components of D 76 developer?


  • Water (125 deg. F)….. 750ml.
  • Metol (or “Elon”)….. 2g.
  • Sodium Sulfite, anhydrous….. 100g.
  • Hydroquinone….. 5g.
  • Borax, granular….. 2g.
  • Cold water to make 1 liter.

How do you develop a stand?

Stand Develop Your Film Agitate by turning the tank upside down, then back up again. Once the minute is up bang the bottom of the tank against a hard surface. This will dislodge any air bubbles that have built up on the film. Now simply leave it to stand for an hour.

How long can I store D76?

The stock concentrate is good 6 months + is kept in a full bottle with no air. You may mix 125ml stock with 125ml water and store the unused 125ml in a 125ml bottle for the balance of allowable storage period.

How long is D76 powder good for?

The mixed solution is good for six months minimum.

How long does d76 last?

Make the liter, put into four 250ml bottles. Use one bottle per film and throw it out after use. The stock concentrate is good 6 months + is kept in a full bottle with no air.

How do you replenish a developer?

If you plan to replenish, I suggest mixing enough chemistry to make one gallon, or 3.8 liters, of developer and replenisher. Replenishing is very easy. For every 80 square inches of film developed, one ounce / 30 ml of replenisher is added to the developer.

Do film developing chemicals expire?

What’s the shelf life of ILFOSOL 3 film developer? Unopened, ILFOSOL 3 will last about 18 months. Once open, it should be used within three months.

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